Vignettes: Jason Blankenship with David Sharp
Jason Blankenship with David Sharp -- at Wasser Brewing Company -- Friday December 1, 2017 -- 8:00-11:00
press release provided by Jason Blankenship
Born and raised in Southern Ohio, Jason Blankenship was immersed in a musical environment from an early age. "My dad and uncle had their own band when I was a kid," he says. "We lived in this big old brick farm house, and I remember vividly their rehearsal room filled with what would now be vintage equipment, cool posters, and pull tab beer cans. It was a very enticing environment for a kid. The music I heard from them back then has stayed a part of who I am and the music I create today." These early musical influences included the likes of Jackson Browne, the Allman Brothers, and Merle Haggard, along with local artists such as McGuffey Lane and Jonathon Edwards. Currently based out of Nashville, IN, Jason Blankenship is a singer/songwriter of a unique nature. His music mixes the genres of country, blues, folk, and rock into a musical grab bag from which he can draw liberally. "To me it's all about staying true to yourself, writing and playing what comes out of you in a way you hope will resonate with others. At this point I am not looking to be anyone musically but myself. Lord knows there is plenty of material out there in life to draw from...I just look to present it in a way that is both meaningful and enjoyable."